Evaluating Eddystone
I’ve finally had time to check out Eddystone-URL, that is covered by the Physical Web concept, in real life. A few impressions and thoughts: Pros… Läs mer »Evaluating Eddystone
I’ve finally had time to check out Eddystone-URL, that is covered by the Physical Web concept, in real life. A few impressions and thoughts: Pros… Läs mer »Evaluating Eddystone
Here’s Proxbook’s latest report on the market status for proximity marketing, with focus on beacons and retail. The use cases provide interesting examples of what… Läs mer »Proxbook on beacons in retail
This seminar was held at Media Evolution Center in Malmö, Sweden, 2016-04-07. It was split up in two sections, with an interlude with pizza, beer… Läs mer »Seminar about beacons and PhoneGap
Recently I wrote about SITA that provides public beacons at airports. Now Ströer (via Favendo) has similar plans, with ~50k beacons across Germany that can… Läs mer »Public beacons, the way to go?