Beacons for contests
A business acquaintance recently ran a contest together with Spencer & Broderick, a local promotional video producer, that involved finding beacons, kind of like indoors… Läs mer »Beacons for contests
A business acquaintance recently ran a contest together with Spencer & Broderick, a local promotional video producer, that involved finding beacons, kind of like indoors… Läs mer »Beacons for contests
Here’s an assortment of beacons with different characteristics: Top left: AnkhMaway, battery-powered, 25 meters Top right: AnkhMaway, battery-powered, 100 meters Bottom left: AnkhMaway, USB-powered, 70… Läs mer »Beacons come in different shapes and sizes
NFC wins in this survey, but what about NFC in iPhones? NFC gets 75% approval rating from US consumers “It is about convenience,” Dodge explained.… Läs mer »NFC vs QR Codes vs beacons
Over 100 use cases and examples for iBeacon technology It’s all up to an app and an associated service (e.g. CliqTags Spotter and CliqTags) to make… Läs mer »What to use beacons for