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What’s a QR Code? cliqtagsYou’ve surely seen the square QR Codes in different situations, maybe without knowing what they mean, or what can be achieved with them.

QR stands for “Quick Response” and is an advanced form of barcode with many uses.

Due to the quickly increasing deployment of smartphones, the QR Code technology becomes a viable option for use in marketing.

QR Codes is now the clearly dominating barcode technology for marketing, in parallel with EAN/UPC codes that all products must have, but that only contain a numeric value.

They enable new business and communication possibilities by connecting the digital and mobile world with your other marketing processes, for instance as a complementing feature in ads, brochures, books etc.

QR Codes can contain any text that QR Code readers interpret as links, e-mail addresses, contact information etc. QR Codes used for CliqTags always contain a link, as the actual content is on the Web.

As the QR Codes refer to a mobile site via CliqTags you can communicate any information to the mobile user, and you can also easily follow results from campaigns etc, as CliqTags keeps tab on all accesses.

For each site you create with CliqTags you get a unique QR Code in any of several different formats, that you can print or show anywhere that you want your customers to access the digital information.