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Can CliqTags be used for content marketing?

This is how Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing:

“Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.”

“content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is non-interruption marketing. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent.”

(from What is Content Marketing?)

To be able to tell a story you need to have the “real estate” where it can be told and the dynamics that enable changing the content at any time to keep it interesting to your customers. That is what CliqTags can provide to a mobile audience.

A few ideas for how CliqTags can be used in this context:

  • Provide information that simplifies the choice of product or service to optimize fit for a specific customer. Your offerings, your recommendations, their choice.
  • Inform about upcoming events, so customers are prepared well in advance.
  • Present current offerings, so that the customer knows what is being offered, even while planning purchases.
  • Provide unique selling points for your offerings, something that is very hard to do in the shop.
  • Enhance loyalty by e.g. providing news about the products your company offers.

The trigger for the above could be a QR Code in a printed ad, in an offering leaflet or catalogue or on a poster. The dynamic information can be put on a CliqTags-hosted site, so that the printed material lasts longer. You could also send out SMSs about updates to members of your customer club etc. CliqTags sites can also be placed behind digital ads, providing much more information than is possible through the ad itself, as mobile ads tend to be very small.

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