An interesting note about trends in this marketplace, with a specific note about geotargeting. See CliqTags Spotter for information about how CliqTags solves geotargeting.
Beacons and geofencing will finally come into their own in 2018. When people enter a designated area, they will receive prompts to download an app that will allow them to interact with the invisible but information-rich world on site —digital messages sent right to their device, turn-by-turn wayfinding directions and much more. The separation between the digital and the physical, as well as the organizational and the personal, is eroding and becoming much more of a single, multi-channel experience.
Sounds promising: 2018 is poised to be the most exciting year yet in digital signage. Things are getting more integrated, more comprehensive, faster, smarter, and better looking.
Digital Signage Today – 5 future digital signage trends of 2018