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It looks bright for beacons in retail

There are many uses for beacons, but retail is a key business that could gain real and early benefits in terms of increased sales and loyalty, and hence revenue.

Beacons Are Going To Shape The Future Of Shopping

Thanks to Beacons, if you pass by a store you’ve visited or might like to visit, you’ll get a notification on your smartphone alerting you to the store, or perhaps a special discount they’re offering.

By the end of 2016, beacons are expected to exist in most retail locations, especially as more merchants learn how context-sensitive ads can help grow their business.

People decide if they want to get the beacon notifications, which is comforting. I hope that will not change. Otherwise use of beacons risks being shunned. What communication is done will also affect customers’ interest in caring.

We see beacons and what they entail as a great fit for CliqTags, as so much is already in place for coupons, product information, offerings, surveys, sweepstakes etc.

More news about beacons, also from Business Insider (a great online magazine by the way):

From Start To Finish, This Is How Beacons Send Ads To Your Phone While You’re Shopping

THE BEACONS FAQ: Everything You Need To Know About Beacons And Apple’s iBeacon System

For more on beacons in terms of CliqTags, please see:

CliqTags Spotter

How do I use iBeacon with CliqTags?

What access methods are supported and how can I combine them?