This is an example of how not to do, with pointers to recommended changes. It’s a poster for the new location game Ingress.
- The poster doesn’t explain concretely what this is about and why the QR Code should be read. It’s written as a teaser, but for what? The Ingress logo and name should have been shown.
- Does “scanner app” relate to a QR Code reader or the app that’s reached via the QR Code? The purpose should have been clarified.
- Low contrast in the QR Code. I could read the code with all apps I tried with, but in cases it required several tries. The low resolution of the picture might play a part in that too. Yet, when I made a QR Code in CliqTags with 100% green, most readers didn’t capture it. As always, i-nigma didn’t have a problem with that either, but e.g. Goggles required several tries. Use dark modules/dots (possibly colored) on a light background for best results.
- The site accessed is optimized for PCs, and the links to Google Play and App Store are tiny. You have to zoom in to be able to click. Use CliqTags to host the mobile link page and possible further information (a bit of self-promotion there).
What’s interesting with this though is that only a QR Code is given. No link and no SMS request. Maybe they used different methods on other posters, but wanted to see if people understood how to use a QR Code.
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